90 Day Plan: April - June 2018 (and a FREE Guide!)

I've been doing 90 Day Plan's faithfully now for over a year. I also review them daily, and weekly. I thought I would start sharing these! I was inspired by Melyssa Griffin sharing her yearly plans and income reports!

I've gotten feedback from countless people that this is a hard thing for them to do. I've always loved goal setting, and had a brief period as an entrepreneur when I got away from them.

I remembered (thank god) how much I did them and loved them working for others (and hit them and exceeded them with consistent results of 6-8 figures annually.)

The opportunity I had was integrating ALL areas of life - anyone else relate?

As a result, I implemented them faithfully in 2016! It has been a process to integrate every area of life (and continues to be as I grow!)

Here’s what I’m working toward for my current 90 Day Plan: April - June…

You will find in my goal setting, I focus on all areas of life. I call them the Seven Steps to Success.

Years ago,...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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