Freeing Yourself to Be a Multi-Passionate Boss Babe with Eileen Rhein @lighttravelsfaster

boss brand Apr 17, 2019

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How to Create Videos...Like a Boss

boss brand Feb 15, 2019

How to Create Videos...Like a Boss


How to Create Videos...Like a Boss


I give insight into my own transformation from the inside out, public speaking, sharing stories, my first videos, videographer insights, and tips and tools.


I also give credit and insight into influencers, bloggers, lifestyle and digital marketing experts I've learned from and/or invested like Travellushes / HeyAshleyRenne, Weekend Voyagers, Brendon Burchard , Chalene Johnson and more!




1) My Story


2) Public Speaking


3) First Videos


4) Who I've Learned From


5) Tips + Tools 


6) Taking Action

(and our events)


7) Work In Process


Get more insight with our Free Webinar 


for more value creation!


Short Sneak Peak


Full Episode on the Podcast

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Feature: Create a Life + Business You Love: Allie, Partner Manager with Kajabi, All in One Marketing


Let's talk creating a life + business you love with Allie, Partner Manager, Relationship Guru


We are chatting about mindset, our stories, initiative, value, entrepreneurship, creating what you love, how Kajabi helps with building a boss brand, being a website wonder, and scaling smart, and much much more!


This is the exact platform we use for ALL of our mastermind, courses, academies, automation and MORE!!

We help you navigate four different web tools in How

to Create + Launch Online Course in a Week 

Freebie Webinar + Posts!









Find Full Episode 57: on ITunes, Stitcher






Find Full Episode 57: on ITunes



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How to Create + Launch an Online Course in a Week

boss brand Dec 03, 2018

How to Create + Launch Your Online Course in a Week...Like a Boss





Get the 411 on How to Create + Launch an Online Course in a Week!




5 Steps in a Week!


The Tips + Tools + Technology.


I break it down simply + easily with:


1) Overview + Road Map


2) Themes + Outlines


3) Creating It (All the Tips, Tools + Tech You Need)

Including Web + Video!


4) Psychology + Pricing Perfectly


5) What's Next + How to Promote!




What if…


What if you focused on completion with each project?


What if you broke it down into five steps?


What if you gave a drop deadline of a create a course?


What if you took accountability and action to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL?




Imagine the return…

Imagine the results…


It is possible to create it. How do I know?


Because I took ALL the education and experience from...

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How to Be a Website Wonder

You’ve thought about creating a website. You’ve perhaps dabbled in the concept or maybe even played with a tool or two.


You know you need a website (or maybe you want an update). It's not your skill set and/or maybe not something you are super excited about doing.


You’re worried about picking the right tool, focusing on what matters, and getting it done quickly all at the same time. 


You’re afraid of missing out on more marketing opportunities online, but you equally worried about the how to, visuals, the time it will take as well as the results that will (or won't come)....


Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.

You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to be a website wonder (or have someone on your team who is) get long term results (improve...

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Two Step

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