How to Jump Start Transformation

You’ve tried some things in transformation You’ve perhaps dabbled in several programs, yet haven't felt or experienced the results you want or are capable of.


You’re concerned about several areas of your life. Perhaps, you are concerned about the physical, financial, relational to name a few. 


You’re worried about spending more time and money, and still not feeling like you are making progress. Worse yet, not getting the results you want.


You’re feeling frustrated like a hamster on a wheel because you want results, yet can't seem to achieve what you want in health, wealth and/or business.


Yet you are more afraid of not living as your best self with your best life in this lifetime. You are also afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.


You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to...

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10 Things You Should Do Every Month if You are a Lifestyle Entrepreneur or Blogger (or You Want to Become One!)

entrepreneur lifestyle Jun 12, 2018

If you’re a lifestyle entrepreneur or blogger (or you want to become one),  then I think we can both agree — creating a life and business you love isn't easy. Like the Aladdin song, it's a whole new world - especially if you didn't grow up with any entrepreneurial influence or all your friends or most people you know still work a 9-5 salaried or hourly job.


There’s a lot of soul searching that goes on into becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur, transformation coach or lifestyle blogger. Yes, there are a ton of resources (thank you Google, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter).


At the same time, what works for someone else may not be your "ideal life", business, or day. I know that was absolutely the case (and still is for me). The hustle and constant grind not for me. Been there - done that (and almost killed myself literally).


In Corporate America, from 2003 - 2011 (especially the time between 2007-2010 when I was...

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